FAQ : Spirulina

What is Spirulina?

Spirulina is a microscopic blue green microalgae that grows naturally in freshwater ponds and lakes in warm, sunny environments. Spirulina has been used as a food source for centuries. It is considered the most complete naturally cultivated nutrient in the world.

  • Approximately 60% complete digestible protein - it contains every essential amino acid;
  • Contains more carotenoids than any other whole food and an excellent source of vitamins A, K, B12 and iron, manganese and chromium;
  • Best wholefood source of gamma linoleic acid (GLA) – an essential fatty acid, necessary for human health. It plays a crucial role in brain function as well as normal growth and development;
  • Rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, chlorophyll and enzymes.

What are the benefits of taking Spirulina?

Spirulina strengthens the immune system and boosts energy levels. In addition to being a wonderful source of protein, Spirulina contains more carotenoids than any other whole food. It is rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients that contribute to the body operating in optimal condition. Spirulina is also a complete protein, containing essential and non-essential amino acids. While we encourage everyone to eat their fruits and vegetables, Spirulina helps enable 'picky eaters' and others who don't like vegetables to still "eat some greens."

What are some of the key nutrients in Spirulina?

It is a complete protein with high levels of antioxidants, vitamins and phytonutrients including:

  • Beta Carotene: Necessary for healthy skin, good vision, and a healthy immune system;
  • Vitamin B12: An essential vitamin required for proper red blood cell formation, neurological function, and DNA synthesis;
  • Vitamin K1 & Vitamin K2: Essential vitamins known to promote blood clotting and support bone health. Recent studies have confirmed that vitamin K2 may help osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases;
  • Superoxide Dismutase (SOD): An enzyme that acts as both an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory in the body, neutralizing free radicals and helping to repair cells, for age related degeneration;
  • Zeaxanthin: A carotenoid and powerful antioxidant that fights free radical damage with specific benefits for eye and cellular health;
  • Phycocyanin: The blue pigment color in nature, only found in Spirulina. Supports kidney, liver and brain health;
  • Iron: Essential in the formation of red blood cells and transportation of oxygen throughout the body. Iron assists the memory and helps build resistance to infection, stress and disease.

 How much Spirulina should I take each day?

The suggested amount for spirulina is 3 grams per day. Spirulina is available in the form of tablets, powder, and capsules : 

  • Take 2 to 5 tablets per day (5 tablets equal 3 grams) or as recommended by your healthcare professional. Drink plenty of water.
  • Take 1 teaspoon per day, or as directed by your healthcare provider. Mix it into fruit juice, organic apple juice, a smoothie, yogurt, or get inspired by our recipes available in the Recipes section. Drink plenty of water.
  • Children 2-5 y................... Open 2 capsules and add contents of the capsules to food or beverage

    Children 6-9 y.....................Take 2 to 5 capsules daily

    Adolescents 10-14 y..........Take 3 to 10 capsules daily

    Adults and adolescents > 15 y ............Take 5 to 20 capsules daily

    Drink plenty of water.

Are the Spirulina tablets absorbed by the body as well as the powder?

In terms of absorption, the tablets take longer to breakdown once ingested, but this can actually be a good thing. There are many enzymes in Spirulina (for example superoxide dismutase is an outstanding antioxidant the human body actually produces itself as a defense mechanism against harmful reactive oxygen species). Enzymes are often destroyed by stomach acids during digestion; however, Spirulina tablets are only partially digested in the stomach. Their digestion is completed in the intestines. In the intestines there are no stomach acids present, so you can get the full benefit of these vital enzymes.

Should I be concerned about the high amount of vitamin A in Spirulina?

No, the vitamin A activity of Spirulina comes from natural beta carotene. Beta carotene is a precursor to vitamin A. The human body converts beta carotene into vitamin A on an as-needed basis. There is no toxicity level for beta carotene, so there is no need to worry about taking too much.

Does Spirulina contain iodine?

The small amount of Spirulina consumed daily plus the fact that iodine occurs in only trace quantities makes the Spirulina’s iodine most likely not a problem for people with hypothyroidism. A daily serving of 3 grams of Spirulina provides approximately 15mcg (micrograms) of iodine which is 10% of the US recommended daily intake for iodine (150mcg), we always suggest that you consult with your health care practitioner before using any dietary supplement including Spirulina.

Since Spirulina contains iron and is a source of vitamin K1 & K2, is it safe for anyone to take, regardless of their age?

Spirulina is safe for all ages, however if you are taking any prescription or over-the-counter medication, we suggest that you consult with your physician.

What is the difference between Hawaiian spirulina and organic spirulina?

Hawaiian spirulina is cultivated outdoors in open and confined ponds in Hawaii. This method uses solar energy, allowing the spirulina to perform photosynthesis optimally. The natural environment and specific growing conditions in Hawaii contribute to producing spirulina of exceptional quality, rich in nutrients and high in phycocyanin, an antioxidant pigment beneficial to health. Hawaiian spirulina contains more beta-carotene because it is grown in open culture ponds. It is the only spirulina grown in a biosecure zone, certified free of pesticides, herbicides, and industrial pollutants in Hawaii. Each culture pond is supplied with 100% potable water from Hawaiian aquifers and pure seawater with beneficial trace minerals.

Organic spirulina is cultivated in Mongolia. It is grown in covered ponds using water from a depth of 500 meters, reducing the presence of bacteria. Although these ponds are covered, they still allow the algae to grow under controlled conditions to ensure organic production. These outdoor systems enable the algae to thrive and develop in a protected environment, offering consumers nutrient-rich superfoods. Organic farming practices ensure the absence of pesticides and synthetic chemicals, guaranteeing a pure and natural product.

Both types of spirulina offer distinct advantages, related to their cultivation methods and specific environments. Hawaiian spirulina benefits from the natural sunlight and favorable climate of Hawaii. It is organic but not certified due to its cultivation method using a fertilizer called Chilean nitrate, which is not recognized by organic certifiers in Canada and the USA. On the other hand, organic spirulina benefits from controlled cultivation methods and the strict standards of organic farming. Hawaiian spirulina contains an average of 45,000 CFU (colony-forming units) per gram, while organic spirulina contains 37,000 CFU. There are only a few small differences between the two.

Is it normal to find bacteria in Spirulina?

Yes, spirulina can naturally absorb bacteria, which makes the cultivation method crucial for ensuring its purity. The quality of the water used is essential; water from sources with a high bacterial count can affect the product's quality and give it an unpleasant odor, as is the case with several spirulinas on the market. To avoid this, we use water from controlled depths and apply rigorous filtration techniques, ensuring clean, high-quality spirulina. Our methods ensure that our spirulina remains pure and of superior quality.

Why doesn’t Gandalf use plastic or glass jars?

Spirulina is highly sensitive to light and air, which is why our packaging offers optimal protection. Our bags are made from high-quality materials and consist of multiple layers, including one made of aluminum, providing effective protection against air and light, ideal for preserving the product. In comparison, plastic containers are less effective as they can allow air and light to pass through, thereby compromising the quality of the spirulina. Additionally, plastic can release harmful substances. While glass is less reactive than plastic, it is transparent and allows light to pass through, which can degrade the nutrients in spirulina and reduce its effectiveness. Our aluminum-layered packaging offers superior protection against these factors, ensuring the product’s freshness over the long term.

Should I keep Spirulina in the refrigerator?

No, it is not recommended. Natural beta carotene doesn’t like humidity and dark dots can appear on beta carotene supplements. Keep in a dry, cool, dark area.

Do you test your Spirulina for BMAA and microcystins?

We do test for BMAA on a periodic basis and the results are consistently below the very low analytical detection limit of 0.5 microgram/kg – meaning “non-detectable.”

Spirulina has a Class A (the highest) level of safety per the Dietary Supplement Information Expert Committee (DSI-EC) of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP). These independent experts reviewed all available evidence for Spirulina consumption and concluded that it does not indicate a serious risk to health of other public health concern.

Please rest assured that our Spirulina is safe to use and if a lot were not to pass for any reason, it would be disposed of and not release for sale.

Who should take Spirulina?

Everyone! Spirulina is an ideal dietary supplement for people of all ages and lifestyles. Additionally, the Food and Nutrition Committee of the National Research Council recommends consuming 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. A 3-gram serving of Hawaiian spirulina contains higher levels of certain key antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.

Can children take Spirulina?

While the United State Pharmacopeia (USP) expert safety panel found no contraindications or reasons for children to not supplement with 3 grams of Spirulina, we always suggest that you consult with your health care practitioner before giving any dietary supplement including Spirulina to your child. For children that don’t like vegetables, Spirulina is a nice nutritious addition to a smoothie or shake. Please also note that Spirulina contains iron which can be harmful to children under 6 and should be kept out of reach of children. Products without child resistant closures should not be purchased for households with young children.

Can pregnant or breastfeeding women take spirulina?

While the United State Pharmacopeia (USP) expert safety panel found no contraindications or reasons not to supplement with Spirulina during pregnancy, we always suggest that you consult with your health care practitioner before using any dietary supplement including Spirulina.

What kind of testing do you perform to ensure the quality and safety of your products?

We conduct testing to ensure the purity, safety and quality of each batch of our Spirulina, Chlorella and Astaxanthin. Each lot goes through a series of over 15 different tests that include microbial, heavy metals, and other analysis unique to microalgae. Our Spirulina is also periodically tested for microcystins and has never been found to be contaminated with them. If a lot were not to pass our strict testing standards, it would be disposed of and not processed for sale. It is also important to note that Spirulina grows in an environment with a Ph level around 10, which make it very difficult for other organisms to grow (though Spirulina will thrive!).

Purity issues are common with low quality Spirulina coming from developing countries. We take our reputation for producing the highest quality, purest and cleanest Spirulina in the world very seriously. In addition to our 15 in-house quality tests, we also regularly verify our own results with independent lab analyses (LAB list available in our website).

Can I heat spirulina?

It is not recommended to heat spirulina, as excessive heat can alter its nutrients and reduce its benefits. Spirulina is sensitive to heat, and cooking or direct heat can degrade the vitamins, minerals, and proteins it contains. To preserve its nutritional properties, it is best to consume spirulina at room temperature or add it to cold preparations, such as smoothies or juices.

When is the best time to take spirulina?

Spirulina can be taken at different times of the day according to your preferences and needs. The daily dose can be taken all at once or spread throughout the day. However, it is best to avoid taking it right before bed, as its high nutrient and protein content may disrupt sleep. If you are sensitive to its energizing effects, make sure to consume it at least four hours before bedtime. It is generally recommended to take it in the morning or before physical activity.

Can I take spirulina and astaxanthin together?

Yes. Spirulina and astaxanthin work well together because they offer different benefits.

What is the difference between spirulina and blue spirulina?

Spirulina is a complete blue-green microalga, rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and is primarily used as a dietary supplement for its numerous health benefits.

Blue spirulina, on the other hand, is a specific extract of phycocyanin, the blue pigment found in spirulina. This extract is primarily used as a natural colorant in foods. Thus, while whole spirulina offers a full range of nutrients, blue spirulina is concentrated in phycocyanin.

Can you give Hawaiian spirulina to your pets?

Yes. Hawaiian spirulina is beneficial for dogs and cats. The dose should be adjusted based on the animal's weight. For small pets weighing less than 20 pounds, you can add a small amount of spirulina to their food.

What is the drying process of Hawaiian spirulina?

The most common method for drying spirulina while preserving its nutrients is to use a low-temperature dryer, typically around 40-45°C (104-113°F). This temperature helps retain heat-sensitive vitamins and minerals while reducing moisture.

Gandalf Hawaii's spirulina is harvested and dried using a patented process called Ocean Chill Drying™. This closed-system process takes only three to seven seconds and is performed at relatively low temperatures, using less than 1% oxygen to preserve the phytonutrients. Ocean Chill Drying eliminates the oxidation of carotenoids, enzymes, and fatty acids that often occurs in traditional dryers. Unlike conventional drying processes, our patented system uses cold water from the depths of the ocean for dehumidification, which is unique to Hawaiian Spirulina®.

Once the drying process is complete, the spirulina is turned into powder and then packaged in FDA-approved vacuum-sealed bags for optimal preservation. Gandalf uses the same type of packaging when the product is repackaged.

Drying System